FOX Charge Controller Series-X20
robust and durable
with optional remote display

Power unit with LED display for a maximum of 20A solar current

can be extended at any time with remote displa, maximum 10m cable length

Series regulator for 12V / 24V battery systems with 98.5% charging efficiency

suitable for lead acid, GEL and AGM batteries, integrated deep discharge protection for 20A

Power units, remote display optional
Controller invisible built-in, elegant display in the living area

FOX Power Units Series-x20

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Controller type
Solar Power
Charge current
L x W x H
incl. 19% VAT
for 1 system(s) 340 W 22.0 A 107 x 126 x 55 mm
98.00 €
for 2 system(s) 340 W 22.0 A 107 x 126 x 55 mm
119.00 €


The FOX-320 / FOX-220 solar charge regulators are for charging currents up to 22 A, suitable for AGM, GEL and lead-acid batteries. With the FOX-320 two different battery systems can be charged. The optimized charging characteristic, in combination with the hardware PWM control, results in a considerably faster and more gentle charging of the battery. Hazardous gassing and/or overcharging are safely prevented.

The deep discharge protection is designed for consumers up to a maximum current consumption of 20A.

The FOX-MD1 is a remote display for the FOX-220 and FOX-320 and is simply connected with the prefabricated cable. The data measured by the FOX devices can be read comfortably in the 2-line display with large characters. In addition to pure text outputs, bar charts are also available for the charge status of the batteries.

more about FOX-220

Automatic 12V / 24V detection

The controller automatically detects the system voltage. The active back-current blocking device ensures reverse current protection and allows an extremely low voltage drop between the module and the battery. Der Regler erkennt die Systemspannung vollautomatisch.


The Multi Display FOX-MD1 can at any time be connected to the FOX-220 by simple plug-in. This allows the current voltages and flows to be displayed, even graphically. The programming function of the FOX-MD1 enables you to change and save various parameters.

Status Informations

The LEDs at the front of the controller give information on the charging state of the battery, status of the consumer connection and whether a charge current is flowing from the modules or whether the battery is fully charged.

Discharge Protection

The adaptive total discharge protection monitors and protects the battery against damaging total discharge, and alternatively the nightlight function can be used. When using the nightlight function, a consumer will be switched on during the time the modules do not supply charge current (i.e. when it is dark). Ideal for the operation of an orientation light or small lights for the prevention of break-ins.

more about FOX-320

For 2 Batterie Systems

The FOX-320 allows loading of two independant battery systems. By factory defaults 90% of the energy will go into battery 1 and 10% of the energy into battery 2. A load (consumer) connected to the terminals L+/L- will always be powered by the battery 1. Battery 2 is typically the starting battery or a battery backup.

Discharge Protection

The adaptive total discharge protection monitors and protects the battery against damaging total discharge, and alternatively the nightlight function can be used.

When using the nightlight function, a consumer will be switched on during the time the modules do not supply charge current (i.e. when it is dark). Ideal for the operation of an orientation light or small lights for the prevention of break-ins.


The LEDs at the front of the controller give information on the charging state of the battery, status of the consumer connection and whether a charge current is flowing from the modules or whether the battery is fully charged.

12V/24V auto sensing

The regulator automatically detects the system voltage. The active-reverse current blocking ensures the reverse current protection and provides the lowest voltage drop between the module and battery.


The Multi Display FOX-MD1 can be connected at any time to the FOX-320 simply by plug-in the cable. This allows the current, voltages and status of the batteries to be displayed, even graphically. The programming function of the FOX-MD1 enables you to change and save various parameters inside of the FOX-320.


In the manual of the FOX-320, it is specified that the negative poles of the two batteries should be connected. Why is it so? Are they not directly inter-connected within the charge controller? Do they really need to be also directly connected? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Like written in the manual you have to connect the battery minus poles directly at the battery with thick 12sqmm or thicker cables. If you don't do that a hight current could flow over the PCB board in the inside of the regulator - much more than the specified 20A.


Serie X-20: LED-Infos

Describes the function of the charge controller and the significance of the LEDs. Time-lapse, the various states during the charging and discharging of the battery and the information shown the LEDs explained.

Link: /multimedia/video?id_video=33&tbl_name=reglers_video


Installation manual FOX-320

The complete installation manual
Languages: [es, gr ,se, nl]

File: InFx320EsGrSeNl.pdf ()

Data sheet Serie X20

Data sheet Serie X20
FOX-220, FOX-320
Languages: [en]

File: DB_FOX_X20_2013_US.pdf ()

Installation manual FOX-320

The complete installation manual
Languages: [de, en, fr, it]

File: InFx320DeUkFrIt.pdf ()

Installation manual FOX-220

The complete installation manual
Languages: [es, gr ,se, nl]

File: InFx220ESGRSENL.pdf ()

Installation manual FOX-220

The complete installation manual
Languages: [de, en, fr, it]

File: InFx220DEGBFRIT.pdf ()

Product pictures to download

Remote display for power units series-x20
Controller invisible built-in, elegant display in the living area

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Remote Display
Suitable for
Cable lenght
L x W x H
incl. 19% VAT
FOX-220/ FOX-320 Flush and Surface 10m 150 x 58 x 34 mm
108.00 €




The FOX-MD1 is simply connected with the prefabricated cable. A connection cable with 5m length is included with the product. The maximum cable length is 10m.


Thanks to the large display with backlight, the data can be easily read even in dark environments. After 10 sec. with no button press, the backlighting will automatically switch off again to save energy. The contrast of the display can be adjusted via the menu. The large 2-line display with 20 characters shows actual alues of the charging current (Ic), current generated by the panel (Is), discharge current (Il) and battery voltages. An arrow indicator in the display shows which battery actually be charged.

The status of the batteries voltages could also be shown with bar graphs.

The FOX-MD1 can be used to set parameters, function, settings in the connected FOX device. Depending on the connected device: e.g. the battery type (AGM, gel, lead acid), charging ratio B1 to B2.


The FOX-MD1 can be used as built-in or surface mounted unit. Therefore, a mounting frame is included with every FOX-MD1. A cable with 5m length is inside the package. The maximum cable length is 10m.



FOX-MD1 Display

This video explains the usage of the remote display FOX-MD1 in combination with the charge regulators FOX-220 and FOX-320. We explain extensivly the different menues.

Link: /multimedia/video?id_video=18&tbl_name=reglers_video


Data sheet Serie X20

Data sheet Serie X20
FOX-220, FOX-320
Languages: [en]

File: DB_FOX_X20_2013_US.pdf ()

Installation manual FOX-MD1

The complete installation manual
Languages: [de, en, fr, it, es, gr ,se, nl]

File: InFxMD1.pdf ()

Data sheet FOX-MD1

Data sheet FOX-MD1
Languages: [en]

File: DB_FOX_MD1_2013_US.pdf ()

Product pictures to download