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FOX-260, FOX-260 Li and FOX-360 are programmable charge controller for 1 or 2 seperate battery systems with integrated LCD display. The display has a backlight. The characters are kept extra large, so that it can be read from a distance. The controllers are characterized by its ease use of operation and elegant design.
The controllers are designed for up to 22A charge current, suitable for AGM-, Gel- and Lead-Acid-batteries. Also a special Lithium version is available. Using the keyboard, you can select between different displays and the base settings can be adjusted. The optimized charge characteristic curve in combination with the hardware PWM control achieve a significantly faster and gentler charging of the battery, dangerous gassing or overcharging are prevented.
The backlit graphical LCD display shows actual informations for:
Voltage of the battery 1 [V]
Voltage of the battery 2 [V]
Load current [A]
generated module current [A]
Power consumption [A]
Battery state of charge (as a bar diagram)
Display and keypad are used to set several parametes. E.g. set type of the battery type, various screens are available. After pressing a button, the backlight remains active 30 sec.
Discharge Protection
The adaptive deep discharge protection monitors and protects the battery from harmful discharge. If the battery voltage is reduced too much, the devices connected at terminals L + / L- are switched off automatically. If the battery voltage is increasing again, consumers are switched on automatically.
Alternatively the night light function can be used. When using the nightlight function, a consumer will be switched on during the time the modules do not supply charge current (i.e. when it is dark). Ideal for the operation of an orientation light or small lights for the prevention of break-ins.
12V / 24V automatic recognition
The charge regulator detects the voltage automatically. The active reverse current protection provides during charge an extremely low voltage drop between panel and battery. By night it stops any current flow back to the panels.
more about FOX-360
additional features:
Fox-360 is designed to charge two independant battery systems. The battery types can be different and can be set by using the display and keypad.
Ex works 90% of the energy will be flow to battery 1 and 10% to battery 2. The charging ratio could be set individually between 5%/95% and 95%/5% (B1/B2).
The consumers connected at the terminals L + / L – are always powered by battery 1. Battery 2 is typically the starter or service battery. If no second battery is connected, battery 1 receives automatically 100% of the energy.
How to Charge Modern Lithium Batteries (LiFePo4)
Selecting the right settings on FOX - charge regulators for loading modern LiFePo4 batteries.
Zeigt das Ladeverhalten einer Batterie bei unterschiedlichen Lade- und Entladeströmen. Der Zusammenhang Strom vom Solarmodul (ISolar) und Ladestrom (ICharge) bei unterschiedlichen Ladezuständen der Batterie wird ausführlich beschrieben.
Editions of the display at different charge / discharge rates. Illustrate the difference between the I Solar current generated by the module and I Charge = the charging current flowing into the battery.
The specifically for LiFe(Y)PO4 types developed charge characteristic curves gets the maximum energy from your solar panels to save energy as fully as possible in the battery.
However, this battery type requires that before using the regulator
the specific parameters provided from your battery manufacturer
are set using the menu in the controller.
The FOX-260 Li is a solar charge controller for currents up to 20 A,
suitable for one LiFe(Y)PO4 battery.
Loading Phases of LiFe(Y)PO4 Battery
1. SoftStart:
A deeply discharged battery should not be charged directly with a high
charging current below a voltage of ~ 10.0V. Therefore, the controller
limits this voltage range below the charging current to about 2A.
2. Quick Charge:
In the rapid charging phase, with the entire available stationary solar
charging current (recommended max. ~ 0.3C) until reaching the rapid
charging voltage (~ 14,6V). In view of the discontinuous solar
charging currents, the fast-charging voltage can not be achieved under
certain circumstances for days or weeks. The charge for an unlimited
time is not recommended, therefore, this loading phase is also
guaranteed by the additional timing after a preset "maximum fast
charge time" activates the next charging stage.
Upon reaching the fast charge voltage the battery is charged already
to about 80%..
3. Full Charge:
In the subsequent full-charge phase, the full charge voltage (= fast
charge voltage) is kept constant by an adjustable lower charging
current (~ 0,01C) is exceeded with sufficient solar charging power.
This loading phase brings the remaining 20% of a full charge into the
battery. The time to reach the 100% full charge is approximately twice
as large as the charging voltage to reach the required speed. To
prevent continously charging of the battery an adjustable full-charge
timeout could be set.
4. Disconnect:
A permanent trickle charge as of the known lead-battery is not
permitted. Therefore, in the final charging phase the charging current
is switched off completely.
The restart of the entire charging cycle takes place once the voltage was
below 13.6V @12V or at least every two months charging phase.
FOX-260 Li Menu Parameters
The following parameters can be set (default values):
Deepdischarge Protection
Menu 3: Load Switch OFF
Range: 11,4V...11,7V...12.5V @12V-System
Voltage where the load (output) is switched off.
Corresponds to 90% to 10% of capacity
Fast Charge Voltage
Menu 5: FastCharge
Range: 14,0V ... 14,6V ... 15,2V @12V-System
A higher fast charge voltage causes a faster charge in accordance with existing solar charging current.
However, this is accompanied by increased heating of the battery.
Please be sure to observe the instructions of the battery manufacturer.
Timeout of FastCharge
Menu 6: Timeout FastCharge
4h ... 8h ... 20h
If insufficient charging current is present or during concomitant
discharge may interfere with the quick-charge voltage for an indefinite time are not achieved.
However, lithium batteries should not be charged indefinitely, so the
controller will switch after this period of time to the next loading
Cut-off Current of the Charge
Menu 7: Charge Switch OFF
0,2A ... 1,0A ... 2,0A
After reaching the fast-charging voltage lithium batteries need to
100% full charge even more charge time. In this phase the charge current continuously decreases.
Therefore, the controller keeps the charging voltage
constant and switches off the charge completely when below the set
Timeout of Full-Charge
Menu 8: Timeout FullCharge
8h ... 16h ... 40h
If the turn-off current in the full loading phase is not reached
within this time period, the controller switches off the current
to prevent uncontrolled trickle charge from the charging current.
Restart of Charging
Menu 9: Restart Charge
13,0V ...13,6VA... 14,2V
If the battery voltage drops below that value, for example a
load is swichted ON, the regulator starts a new charging cycle.
Maximum Charging Temperatur
Menu 10: ChargeTemp High
30°C ... 45°C ... 75°C
Lithium batteries can only be charged up to a, by the manufacturer given, maximum loading temperature.
When this level is reached the controller interrupts the charging current.
Minumum Charging Temperatur
Menu 11: ChargeTemp Low 0°C ... -25°C
Lithium batteries may only be charged above a minimum temperature, permitted by the manufacturer.
Therefore, the controller interrupts the charging current when the temperature falls below the set value.